germany, life imitates sf, kurt vonnegut

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  • A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.

    peteyoung Dec 28, 2009 15:57

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    quotable, kurt vonnegut

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  • 2007 books

    peteyoung Jun 06, 2007 16:31

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    word of the day, 2007 books, fiction, science fiction, satire, kurt vonnegut

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  • Slaughterhouse 5 on audio

    peteyoung Apr 13, 2007 12:23

    A 6-minute mp3 of Kurt Vonnegut reading from Slaughterhouse 5, in which Billy Pilgrim encounters a Tralfamadorian flying saucer. Or, if you prefer, the first half of the same clip set to music by parties unknown (via Wondermark).

    science fiction, kurt vonnegut

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  • Lives in passing: Kurt Vonnegut, 1922-2007

    peteyoung Apr 12, 2007 06:34

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    lives in passing, kurt vonnegut

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  • 2007 books

    peteyoung Feb 10, 2007 17:26

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    2007 books, autobiographies, usa, kurt vonnegut

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